Residential, Commercial or Mixed-use Opportunities.

3 Unit Plan

Featuring an addition to the existing house plus two, 3-story units.

Redevelopment Options

Remodel Existing House Into:

A 2-Bedroom Unit, AND

Add an Additional 1-Bedroom Unit

AND, Build a New Duplex Behind House

One, 1-Bedroom Unit, AND

One, 2-Bedroom Unit

Convert Existing House into:

Two, 2-Bedroom Units, AND

Two, 1-Bedroom Units,


One, 3-Bedroom Unit, AND

Three, 1-Bedroom Units


1134 sf of Commercial (existing house)


– Build a 3-Bedroom, Single-family Detached House Behind Existing Office Building

Other Concept Studies

  • 4 Unit Plan

    This 4 unit concept features several configuration options and a phasing plan.

  • 4 Stacked Flats Plus Commercial

    This concept includes the original house (commercial use) plus new residential stacked flat units with parking underneath.